Monday, September 15, 2008

Bring on the Fall!

Fall is here. This means the leaves are changing, temperatures are falling, people are getting back to work and of course TV has returned. Oh yes the fall line up begins; my time will be lost, work will not get done and my DVR just may overload this year. I have more TV than ever!

Sun - Brothers & Sisters
Mon - Heroes
Tues - House MD
Wed - Private Practice
Thurs - The Office, CSI, Grey's Anatomy

Unfortunately DVR from iO can only DVR two shows at a time, so if I work Thursdays CSI is not going to be watched.

Wow, it has been a while!

So I have not posted since January, which is a very long time. A lot has happened since then, which would account for the lack of posts. February I made my friends, friends that I am so happy that I met. I have become so close with them in such a short amount of time. After making my new best friends I finally came out. I'm gay, and ever since I have made many odd choices, some good and some bad. But nonetheless I am happy now.
I started college a few weeks ago, art major. I had some pretty sweet classes. Unfortunately my bill was late and they were all dropped. Now I have class six days a week, but it's still going well.
So I returned to my blog... hopefully I will continue to post more often.